06 February 2008

It's been a while...

11 October 2007

It's been a while...

I know, it's been quite a while since I've posted anything. Just haven't had the time and/or haven't felt like it. When I've wanted to post, I didn't have time, yet when I had the time, I didn't want to post. You figure it out!

I've been busy with my photography, but haven't taken any photos in nearly a week. I'm missing it. We're taking a little break, just to catch our breath and try to figure things out. HA!!

Anyway, I have a couple or so photographs that I want to share with you. Not because they are great, but because I want to. There are a couple of Mister being vacuumed, which he loves. I have one of three of my Fenton Art Glass vases, and one showing three of my Rooster/Chicken collection. These are the "still life" photos for last week/this weeks lesson. I'm not real happy with them, but they were the best I could do with what I had on hand at the time. I wanted to use some chicken wire with the Roosters, but Bill forgot to get it out for me. I also didn't have a good background. I'm learning from this class, and maybe you'll see a tiny improvement or two. I'll start with the photos of Mister, my big clown.

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